Sunday, September 24, 2017

Risk Factors for Diabetes - Dr.Shella M. Francillon, MD

Risk factors of diabetes, risk factors, best diabetes plan, best diabetes solution

Risk Factors for Diabetes

The two major factors contributing to today's alarming rise in diabetes are poor diet and lack of exercise. In today's fast-paced culture, with its emphasis on "fast foods", and it's de-emphasis on exercise, more and more of us are eating unhealthy diets and choosing poor lifestyles.

Our typical diet has become way out of balance. We eat way too many simple sugars, way too often. Most people consume candy, french fries, potato chips, ice cream, pasta etc on a regular basis. We eat twice the calories we need, twice the protein we need, and each year the average person consumes over 160 pounds of sugars and sweeteners we don't need at all.

When you consider that so many of us are overfed and so few of us get any regular exercise and then add to that the fact that many of us overuse alcohol and nicotine which increases oxidative stress. . . it's no wonder that millions of us already suffer from diabetes, or are at great risk of developing diabetes in the near future.

The ever-increasing number of overweight, out of shape, oxidatively stressed people in around the world, is directly proportional to the epidemic rise of diabetes.

Risk factors for type 1 diabetes

·         Family history.
·         Environmental factors. 
·          Damaging immune system cells (autoantibodies). 
·          Dietary factors:
·      Low vitamin D consumption, early exposure to cow's milk or cow's milk formula, and exposure to cereals before 4 months of age. None of these factors have been shown to directly cause type 1 diabetes.
·         Geography. Certain countries, such as Scandinavian countries have higher rates of type 1 diabetes.

 The book explains about diabetes and its easy self-management steps to follow for achieving a better blood sugar control. The whole series is designed to empower patients on educational tools to being healthy. Proper awareness is required for controlling and improving the health status; thus, this book will be helpful to guide you for managing diabetes.

Risk factors for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes

·         Weight and fatty tissue. 
·          Inactivity in lifestyle. 
·         Family history. 
·         Race. 
·         Older Age due to less exercise and workout.
·         Gestational diabetes.
·         Polycystic ovary syndrome. 
·         High blood pressure. 
·         Abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels. 

Risk factors for gestational diabetes:

Risk factors for gestational diabetes include:
·         Women Age older then 25.
·         Family or personal history. 
·         Over-Weight. 
·         Race. 
Risk Factors of Diabetes, Best Diabetes Plan

Overview of the post: The following is a list of risk factors for getting diabetes,

  • Being more than 20% overweight
  • Physical inactivity
  • Having a first degree relative with diabetes (parents or siblings)
  • Belonging to any of the following ethnic groups, African American, Native American, Latin American, Asian American, Pacific Islander.
  • Having an "Impaired Fasting Glucose" (IFG) or "Impaired Glucose Tolerance" (IGF) on previous blood tests.
  • Having Triglycerides (blood fats) which are more than 250 mg/dl.
  • Having HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol ) which is less than 35 mg/dl.
  • Having a history of hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Having a history of gestational (pregnancy-related) diabetes or giving birth to a baby which weighed more than 9 pounds.


Dr. Shella Francillon is a Medical Doctor who did intense researches on diabetes patients while being in internship in Dr. Marcelino Velez Hospital. She focus not only in the medicated side of the treatment but much in the patient's education in order for them to understand the disease. She believes the patient's coorporation is crucial to design an individualized treatment. The final goal is to reverse the process and help the body properly regulate the hormones.

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